The stream alternated with chit chat between the staff, answering fans' questions sent in beforehand via Twitter, and a watch together of the "Live A Live A Live in Shinjuku 2019" concert. After everyone introduced themselves and a kanpai, the stream started for real.

Takashi Tokita jokingly started the stream introducing himself as Hironobu Sakaguchi since he has the same stache now due to Covid-19 stay home. The stream featured Live A Live Director Takashi Tokita, Composer Yoko Shimomura, Battle Director Nobuyuki Inoue (Zoom), Character Pixel Art Illustrator Kazuyuki Kurashima (Zoom), and Nobuo from comedy duo Penguins (huge Square Enix fan and always on SaGa streams). Square Enix held a special live stream for the 26th anniversary of legendary omnibus SNES RPG Live A Live on October 3. Square Enix could end up bringing a Live A Live remaster to the west, officially localizing the game for the first time, assuming fan demand is high enough.