Maschine 2 Factory Library - 8 GB of sounds, created by renowned sound designers and artists. Included Software (provided as downloads upon hardware registration) This product might be shipped in used original product package or in neutral card box. Runs as a VST®, Audio UnitsTM or AAX® plug-in, multi-core support Import MIDI and REX files, MPC programs, and iMASCHINE projects hosts VST® and Audio UnitsTM plug-ins. 24 pro-quality studio and creative effects including filter, EQ, delay, reverb and compressor one touch automation recording, and expansive routing possibilities. Classic groovebox features including 16 velocity levels, swing (sounds, groups, global), pad link, note repeat, step sequencer, and vintage MPC 60/SP 1200* sampling emulation.
Sonically outstanding, multi-mode drum synthesizers for perfectly-tuned acoustic and electronic sounds – fast, powerful drum design with on-the-fly parameter automation. Dedicated mixer and plug-in pane in the software with control directly from the hardware side-chaining, pre-listening bus, aux sends, unlimited groups and effect inserts. 8 display knobs and buttons for immediate hardware access to parameter tweaking, browsing, and sound shaping.
Powerful sampling, slicing, time stretch, sound shaping, and edit features – all directly on the hardware
Create and perform rhythms, harmonies and melodies. Dedicated group buttons, master section with push encoder two displays high quality, touch sensitive multi-color pads Combines the flexibility of computer-based music production with the ease of a hardware groovebox. Great sound libraries with upgrade options included (see below). Native Instruments Certified Refurbished Quality (tested fully operational, cleaned, 90 days warranty). Great quality at a great price! This item is from refurbished stock of our best quality.