Only one man can possibly stop him: the also cryogenically frozen John Spartan. Stallone is John Spartan, a risk-taking police officer who has a reputation. Demolition Man is a 1993 American science fiction action film directed by Marco Brambilla in his directorial debut. Weaver shares a hilarious story about the night Stallone invited his co-star Sandra Bullock up to his room, but instead of hooking up with her, the two stripped down to their underwear and had a Rocky moment Weaver says that when Sandra went up to Stallone’s room, Sly ducked into the bathroom and came out wearing boxer shorts.

Obsessive San Angeles mayor Dr Raymond Cocteau thaws out history's most dangerous cryogenically frozen super-criminal and brainwashes him into hunting the charismatic leader of an underground group of outlawed nonconformists. It stars Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock, and Nigel Hawthorne. We then try to improve upon the villain’s diabolical plan for the honour of choosing next week’s film and hosting the pod.ĭirected by Marco Brambilla and starring Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, Sandra Bullock and Sir Nigel Hawthorne (!), they certainly don’t make them like this anymore. DEMOLITION MANWith innocent victims caught in the crossfire in Los Angeles' intensifying war on crime, both cop John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) and violent.

The panel of peril have convened once again to discuss the dystopian sci fi, action film Demolition Man (1993). Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) zeki bir tp mhendisidir ve emekliliinden nce son grevine kan yetenekli ve deneyimli astronot Matt Kowalskynin.

“I’m wearing more kimonos now than I was in 1993”